Dans le cadre des activités d’#ECOS proposées dans les écoles, l’association Associação Memória Viva/Mémoire Vive, partenaire en France du projet, a organisé une session à École Fénelon, à Paris. Il organise avec ses élèves une séance de visionnage du film « La photo dechirée : chronique d’une émigration clandestine » de José Vieira (2001) et unContinue reading “École Fénelon/ACEP”
Author Archives: ecos.exilios
Objets de l’exilEn arrivant à Amsterdam avec 19 ans, Carlos Neves a acheté ce jeu d’échecs et de dames avec le peu d’argent qu’il avait. Au Portugal, il était membre d’un ciné-club et jouait avec d’autres passionnés. Il n’a pas laissé l’exil lui ôter son plaisir et, aujourd’hui, il garde des souvenirs dans ces deux boîtes. JournalContinue reading
Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor
O #ECOS visitou a Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor, onde realizou uma pequena palestra com a participação de Fernando Cardoso (AEP61-74), em que os alunos tiveram a oportunidade de ouvir o relato e colocar algumas questões sobre a experiência do exílio. A partir das Fichas de Inventário, a equipa #ECOS e alguns alunos montaram umContinue reading “Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor”
Objekter fra eksiltiden Da han nitten år gammel ankom til Amsterdam, købte Carlos Neves med de få penge, han havde tilbage, et skaksæt og et damspil.I Portugal var han medlem af et filmklub, og der spillede han skak og dam med andre spilentusiaster.Han lod ikke eksilet påvirke hans lyst og fornøjelse ved de to spil,Continue reading
I samarbejde med Københavns Universitetet tilrettelagde ”ECOS, i oktober 2020, på Dokk1 i Aarhus, arrangementet Exiles: Past and Present. Der deltog tidligere portugisiske flygtninge i Danmark, og der blev sat fokus på erfaringer ang. eksil i halvfjerdserne i Danmark.. . Aktiviteten integrerede dokumentarfilmen Countering Silences: fortællinger om eksil (2020) produceret af #ECOS og en debatContinue reading
Lycée Montaigne
Dans le cadre des activités d’#ECOS proposées dans les écoles, l’association Associação Memória Viva/Mémoire Vive, partenaire en France du projet, a organisé une session à École Fénelon à Paris. À partir de la projection du film documentaire “Entre deux Rêves” (2005) de Jean-Philippe Nieva, les étudiants ont débattu les thématiques en lien avec les trajectoires d’un ensembleContinue reading “Lycée Montaigne”
Objects of the ExileUpon arriving in Amsterdam with 19 years old, Carlos Neves bought this set of chess and checkers with the little money he had. In Portugal, he was a member of a cinema club and played with other enthusiasts. He didn’t let the exile take away his pleasure and, today, he keeps memoriesContinue reading
Resources: Music
The importance of the Music of Resistance “It was from the sixties onwards that the popular resistance song – intervention song.- took on an artistically predominant role in the fight against fascism. It expressed revolt, fear and oppression, denounced and rejected fascism and repression, denounced exploration and colonial war Musicians such as José Afonso, AdrianoContinue reading “Resources: Music”
Articles books and news
Article “Anthropology of Exile: Mapping Territories of Experience” Part of this edition of the magazine Anthropology Today, the article “Anthropology of Exile: mapping territoires of experience” by the investigator Sónia Ferreira, coordinator of the project #ECOS, it challenges the reconceptualization of the category of “exile”, attentive to the various historical, socio-economic and psychologic dynamics thatContinue reading “Articles books and news”
Summer School
In the scope of CRIA‘s Summer School devoted to Public Anthropology and ethnographic challenges in social intervention contexts, which took place with the Special Support “Summer with Science” granted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in collaboration with the General-Directorate for Higher Education (DGES), #ECOS developed a virtual exhibition that aims to contribute to the public debate on exile,Continue reading “Summer School”