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“Migrações e Exílios no Mundo Contemporâneo
Copyright (c) 2020 Coimbra University Press

#ECOS Exiles, to counter silence:
memories, objects and narratives
of uncertain times

#ECOS intends

to contribute to a deeper understanding of the History of Europe and its diversity regarding experiences of citizenship and living under different political regimes. The exile experience is linked to biographical paths of struggle against totalitarian regimes and finding refuge in democratic systems. This experience of solidarity and the construction of citizenship in European territory must be remembered and brought to a wider discussion of the values ​​the European Union should stand by in the present, regarding receiving and welcoming individuals in similar situations. The history of totalitarian Europe must be remembered alongside that of the Europe of solidarity.
The construction of a ‘European Platform for Reflection on Exile’ and keeping an open access website with content in Portuguese, French, Danish and English is intended as a form of nurturing this constantly evolving memory.
The website will remain active after the project ends, fostering ongoing discussion of these issues and promoting future activities of the Platform and any the groups that come to join it.

Memories, objects and

narratives from uncertain times form the subject of this project. The team will produce itinerant exhibitions, visual materials, performances, colloquia, and testimonials in Portugal, France and Denmark, and present them in state schools and public meeting spaces.
The activities of this ‘pedagogical package’ will be undertaken in the local languages: Portuguese, French and Danish.
The project organisers have extensive competencies in research on European history and the processes of memory construction – some were active players themselves, as exiles, in the processes the project wants to highlight.
The participants connected to AEP61-74 and Memória Viva / Mémoire Vive are former Portuguese deserters, draft evaders, political exiles and migrants in Europe. Within these associations, they have been actively collecting and disseminating the memories of migration and exile
in the 20th century..

Co-financed by the European Program ‘Europe for Citizens’
of the European Union
Copyright © 2020  #ECOS, All rights reserved.


The URMIS (CNRS) and the University of Copenhagen have extensive experience in the field of education and production of teaching materials, both in collaborating on projects of artistic curation and in the field of cultural programming, whilst bringing similar experience in the processes of knowledge transfer through the relationship with civil associations and with local authorities in projects of development, heritage and tourism Casa da Esquina will have a central role in the production of the performative content of the ‘pedagogical package’, namely in the organisation of the staged readings and in the construction of the participatory workshop. This will be achieved through multidisciplinary creation in a collaborative regime with dramaturgy of the mediation between reality and fiction, archival work and the project Exile (s) 61-74 in partnership with AEP61-74, Association of Portuguese Political Exiles.

The #ECOS # project can be accessed here

Project Reference:  Europe for Citizens Programme 609056-CITIZ-1-2019-1-PT-CITIZ-REMEM 

Artistic credits much of the imagery on this site was produced by the students of the António Arroio Art School who produced various pieces within the Hands-on Work Experience (FCT) classes.

Photographic,, phonographic and videographic creditsEAAA students and teachers, AEP61-74 archives, Andrew Wiard, Anne Marie Esteves, Bruno Vassalo, Carlos Gomes, Carlos Jorge Neves, Carlos Neves, Carlos Ribeiro, #ECOS, Fernando Cardeira, Fernando Cardoso, Hugo dos Santos, Isabel Montes, Jorge Leitão, José Augusto Martins, José Carvalhão Duarte, Joaquim Saraiva, Manuel Branco, Manuel Tavares, M-XCLOUD, Octávio Espírito Santo, Raul Simões Pinto, Rui Mota, Teresa Couto

Translators: Adriana Almeida

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